Monday, May 25, 2009

Memorial Day BBQ

I finally had a chance to really break in my new 50mm lens. Needless to say, I love it. My niece and nephew always give me something worthwhile to photograph. Here are some of my favorites from the day :)

My mom and Alyssa

Josh was having a good ol' time playing with the hose

Alyssa, always a poser

Alyssa teasing Uncle Jimmy

I bought the kids that old school bubble blowing thing, I don't even know what they call it, but I remember playing with it as a kid myself. It kept them occupied for a good while, and gave me some great shots.

Alyssa and Josh posing for a nice picture

And then Josh gets tired of it :)

One thing I noticed while editing my pics is that I have a tendency to shoot too bright. I'm shooting at like 4 clicks left of center, when probably I should be shooting no more than 2 clicks left of center. The only reason I can explain it is that when I shoot any less than 4 clicks left of center, they end up looking too dark when I review them on camera. Obviously I'm doing something wrong though so I'll have to experiment some more with that.

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